Sunday, January 30, 2011


It's been quite a month for the first of 2011. I finished my manuscript edits and forwarded them to my editor mid-January. With no idea how long it will take for her to return my story with rewrites, I started working on my next project. Tentatively called, Blended, this book is the sequel to Losing cinderella, a continuing saga of Georgia Charles journey of growth. She is a work in progress, as we all are in our travels in life.

This story forces Georgia to put her newly learned beliefs to the test. She must make a life-changing decision that will affect not only her life, but her daughter's, and all of those nearest and dearest to her.  

As mentioned in previous posts, I belong to a writer's group on Critique Circle. We submit chapters to our queue for critiquing and earn points to submit by critiquing others in our queue. This left me with a dilema. We usually submit with Chapter 1 and progress through the story chapter by chapter.  I realized this story is still in the writing stage. I have a  general outline of what I want to cover in the story, adding to it as I go along. But I don't write in order. Wherever my creative juices take me, that is where I write. As of this moment, I have written eight chapters, the first one, some near the beginning, some in the middle and the second to last chapter. Today, I plan on writing the last chapter. That's the only way I can function. Eventually, I'll have a rough draft and it will all come together. Until then, I won't submit anything. It would be too confusing to the reader and they would have a hard time following plot line and flow.

Instead, I've decided to crit everyone else's works and build up my points until I'm ready to submit. I would love to hear from others on how you write. Do you follow an outline from Chapter 1 through to the end, or do you create whevever the muse takes you?

I strongly recommend you join a writer's group, either one in your area, or if you live rurally like I do, join an on line group. Critique Circle is one of the best in my opinion and I believe, withoout a doubt,  my writer's queue led me to finding a publisher for my first novel. Here is their link if you wish to check them out.

Have a great week and keep on keeping on writing.

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